Why not become a Friend of St. Peter's Church....

The Friends of St. Peter's was established in 1998 by Peter Halls, the vicar at the time, to raise funds for the church building fabric and for general church improvements.
Since then Open Gardens, Summer Lunches, Barbeques, Church in Bloom and Flower Festivals have been arranged over the past summers. These, together with Cheese and Wine Evenings, Hot Cross Bun and Coffee Mornings on Easter Saturdays, have added to the variety of ways the Friends of St Peter's have raised just over one hundred thousand pounds, with the very kind support of "Friends" members and other supporters.
New ideas, helpers and supporters to organise events are always most welcome. An annual subscription of £10 is payable to become a "Friend". Further information is available from David Sanford on 01508 550673.
Electronic forms for payment of annual subscription or arrangement of standing order are available here: