Finance - Regular Giving

Three ways to be a cheerful giver
In the current time it has been difficult for people to make financial offerings to churches and yet, now, more than ever, our churches are in need of help to finance the costs of ministry and the upkeep of our beautiful buildings. Please find below some ways in which you may be able to help us:
Make a one-off or regular donation through online banking:
Go through your internet bank to make a one-off donation or set up a regular payment.
Here are our bank details:
Brooke PCC 20-62-53 70172405
Kirstead PCC 52-10-28 02328607
Mundham with Seething PCC 20-92-08 80644765
Thwaite PCC 20-92-08 40882968
Please us the reference "your surname C19don" so that we can keep track of your gift.
If you are able to Gift Aid your donation and have not already completed a Gift Aid Declaration for your parish, please find the relevant form in the Resources section of this web-site, under finance.
Set up a Standing Order:
A Standing Order means that your bank will credit the PCC Account with a set amount of money each week, month or year as you choose. You can stop or change a Standing Order at any time.
To set one up: find the relevant form for your parish in the Resources section of this web-site, under finance. Print it, fill it in and send the two sections to the relevant people.
Continue to make your offering with cash:
Those attending services on Sunday mornings are able to make cash donations in the plate. These are offered with thanksgivinge during the service, along with all the electronic financial gifts.
Thank you for your help.
"All things come from you O Lord; and of your own do we give you."